Maisy moo the Red Roo has successfully transitioned to her new Wildlife Carers! And we couldn’t be more impressed or happier!
The 800km journey back to a place similar to where she was rescued from, has all been worth it.
Corella Creek Country Farm Stay is one of the most incredible places we’ve seen. It is run by two AMAZING Wildlife Carers, who are very devoted to their animals. It’s always an inspirational experience when you meet people like this. They are voluntarily rescuing, raising and rehabilitating countless macropods. Red Kangaroos are an exceptional species as they’re Australia’s LARGEST macropods and can grow up to 2 meters! Did you know they also stay with their mums for 2 years too? That means, Wildlife Carers who raise these animals sometimes have to make a 2-year commitment! Imagine that!

Maisy was so excited to meet her new friends! She has transitioned very well and is enjoying the company of her own species. Maisy touched the heart of so many people and will always be loved by our Cairns Community! It was an absolute blessing to have the opportunity to help raise her but she’s now exactly where she belongs. Seeing any animal, entering their next stage of rehabilitation, will always be one of the greatest experiences us Wildlife Carers can have. No matter what anyone says, we love them so much, otherwise, we wouldn’t be “carers”. Yes, it’s a somewhat sad time letting them go but the life and joy you see in your joeys’ eyes, makes it all worth it.

Goodluck Maisy. We love you. We are so grateful as we know you’re in great hands

We can guarantee you will have the most beautiful experience. The sunsets are OUT OF THIS WORLD, the outdoor baths are unbelievably peaceful, the animals roam freely and it’s a perfect place that proves wildlife and humans can co-exist! Plus, they deserve all the support we can give!
Did you know that you can donate to help The Agile Project care for these beautiful babies! Click HERE to find out more.